The History and Symbolism of Ruby Engagement Rings

The History and Symbolism of Ruby Engagement Rings

Table Of Contents

Choosing the Perfect Ruby Engagement Ring

When selecting the perfect ruby engagement ring, it is essential to consider various factors to ensure it aligns with your preferences and style. Start by determining the ring's design that complements your partner's personality and taste. Traditional designs with a single ruby stone are timeless and elegant, while modern styles incorporating accent stones can add a contemporary touch.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the quality of the ruby itself. Inspect the gemstone for any imperfections, such as cracks or cloudiness, as these can affect its overall appearance. Opt for a ruby with a vibrant, deep red hue known as "pigeon's blood," which is highly prized for its intense colour saturation and brilliance. By carefully examining the design and quality of the ruby, you can select a ring that symbolises your love and commitment in a meaningful and beautiful way.

The modern trend for ruby engagement rings has seen a rise in unique designs and settings that showcase the beauty of the ruby stone. Couples are increasingly opting for contemporary, sleek designs that highlight the deep red hue of the ruby against various metal choices such as white gold or rose gold. The emphasis is on simplicity and elegance, with many choosing minimalist settings that allow the ruby to be the focal point of the ring.

Another popular style emerging in recent years is the use of vintage-inspired designs for ruby engagement rings. These rings often feature intricate detailing, such as filigree patterns or milgrain edges, that harken back to a bygone era of romance and sophistication. Vintage-inspired ruby rings offer a sense of nostalgia and timeless beauty that resonates with many couples looking for a unique and sentimental symbol of their love.

Caring for Your Ruby Ring

To ensure your ruby engagement ring maintains its brilliance and beauty, proper care and maintenance are essential. Regular cleaning is crucial to keep the gemstone looking vibrant and lustrous. Use a mild detergent or specialised jewellery cleaning solution to gently scrub the ruby with a soft brush, ensuring all dirt and debris are removed. It is advisable to avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can damage the gemstone and its setting.

Furthermore, storing your ruby ring properly is key to preserving its quality. When not wearing your ring, store it in a separate compartment of a jewellery box to prevent scratching or chipping. Avoid exposing the ring to extreme temperatures, as this can affect the gemstone's colour and durability. By following these simple care tips, you can enjoy your stunning ruby engagement ring for years to come.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

When it comes to keeping your ruby engagement ring looking its best, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential. To clean your ruby ring, mix a mild detergent with warm water and gently scrub the stone with a soft-bristled brush. Be sure to rinse the ring thoroughly to remove any soap residue. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the ruby and its setting.

In addition to regular cleaning, it's important to have your ruby ring inspected by a professional jeweller at least once a year. This will ensure that the setting is secure and that any potential issues can be addressed promptly. If you notice any loose stones or signs of wear, take your ring to a jeweller for repairs as soon as possible to prevent further damage. By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can enjoy your ruby engagement ring for years to come.

Customising Ruby Engagement Rings

When it comes to customising ruby engagement rings, the options are endless. One popular way to personalise a ruby ring is through engraving. Couples often choose to engrave meaningful dates, initials, or special messages onto the band of the ring. This adds a sentimental touch and makes the ring even more unique.

Another way to customise a ruby engagement ring is by incorporating other gemstones into the design. Diamonds are a classic choice to complement the vibrant red of the ruby, but other options like sapphires or emeralds can add a colorful twist. Mixing different gemstones can create a one-of-a-kind ring that truly reflects the individuality of the wearer.

Personalised Engravings and Designs

When it comes to creating a truly special and unique symbol of love, personalised engravings and designs on ruby engagement rings are an exquisite choice. Australian couples often seek to add a personal touch to their rings by incorporating meaningful dates, initials, or messages that hold significance to their relationship. From classic engraving styles to more modern and intricate designs, the options for personalising a ruby engagement ring are endless.

Many jewellers in Australia offer customisation services that allow couples to create a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects their individual style and story. Whether it’s incorporating a special pattern, adding a hidden gemstone, or designing a completely unique setting, personalised engravings and designs on ruby engagement rings help capture the essence of the relationship and create a lasting symbol of love and commitment.


What is the history behind ruby engagement rings?

Rubies have been used in engagement rings for centuries, symbolising passion, love, and commitment. They were believed to protect and bring good fortune to the wearer.

What does a ruby engagement ring symbolise?

A ruby engagement ring symbolises love, passion, and strength in a relationship. It is a bold and vibrant choice that signifies a deep emotional connection.

How do I choose the perfect ruby engagement ring?

When choosing a ruby engagement ring, consider factors such as the quality of the ruby, the setting style, and your partner's personal style preferences. It is important to select a ring that reflects your love story and commitment.

How can I care for my ruby engagement ring?

To care for your ruby engagement ring, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, store it separately from other jewellery to prevent scratches, and clean it regularly with a soft cloth and mild detergent. Periodic professional cleaning and inspection are also recommended.

Can I customise my ruby engagement ring?

Yes, you can customise your ruby engagement ring by opting for personalised engravings, choosing unique designs, or selecting a custom setting. Customising your ring adds a special touch and makes it even more meaningful.

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